Kibabii University

Wild Excitement As the 8th Careers And Cultural Week Celebrations Kick Off.

Theme: KIBU @ 10 – Career Development, Culture, Peace and Cohesion

The Vice Chancellor Prof. Ipara Odeo led the University in celebrating the colorful Eighth Edition of Careers and Cultural Week 2022.

In his opening remarks, the Vice Chancellor noted that this year’s Careers and Cultural Week was a special one since it was coming at a time the University was celebrating the 10th Anniversary. It is also a period for religious believers where the Muslims were having their Ramadhan and the Christians marking the Lent period.

He noted that ten years ago the event, then called ‘Tamasha’ was characterized by binge drinking, stress, fights, negative energies, violent campaigns and the huge conflicts with Bodabodas, disciplinary cases and zero progression. The University almost lost it. The Management had to make a bold decision to chart a new direction, first by seeking God, then putting in place University elements of identity, Philosophy, Vision, Mission and the KIBU Anthem which led to the transformation of Kibabii University the results of which we are celebrating today.


“We are committed to nurturing our own culture embodied in our values EAISIA; Excellence, Accountability and Transparency, Integrity, Social Responsibility, Innovation and Academic Freedom,” he said.

He challenged everyone present to appreciate diversity and accommodate one another, emphasizing that peace was the only war worth to waging.

In addition, he challenged the students to work hard, be disciplined and focused for them to succeed like the others who came before them.

He noted that the University had recorded several milestones which were worth celebrating, the latest being the winner in the Most Inclusive Public University category in the National Diversity and Inclusion Awards and Recognition (DIAR Awards) organized by Daima Trust, Kenya.

“Being number one is not the issue. Remaining at the top is the issue” he said.

The event was attended by the Music Icon Rev. Douglas Jiveti who was the Guest Speaker, Fr. Pius Lukhale of St. Joseph’s Kimatuni, Edward Kipkalia among other guests. The events will run between 6th April, 2022 and 9th April, 2022.


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