Kibabii University

University Library Provides 32 New Open Access E-Resource Databases

The University Library has now added 32 open access e-resource databases to the already existing 37 subscribed e-resource databases. These e-resources contain thousands of multidisciplinary e-books, e-journals, e-conference proceedings, e-research papers and many other forms of electronic resources that can be accessed for free.

You can use these resources to satisfy your research/scholarly needs, as well as for leisure or other general information needs.

The e-resource tab on the library website now has 2 menus, namely;

  1. Subscribed E-resources
  2. Open Access E-resources

Visit to access and use these new open access e-resources.

If you require any assistance with the use of these resources, kindly visit the Information Retrieval, Research & Africana (IRR&A) Section at the basement floor of the library.

University Library Provides 32 New Open Access E-Resource Databases

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