Kibabii University

Sebastian Wang’ombe

Sebastian Wang’ombe

Name: Sebastian Wang’ombe

Contact details:



Academic Qualification

Institution [ Date from – to ]
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
Walden University TO DATE
PhD in Criminal Justice and Homeland Security
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Master of Criminology
Egerton University
Bachelor of Arts (Sociology, Major)

Field of Specialization

Criminal Justice System and Homeland Security

Membership of Professional Bodies

  • Kenya Professional Society of Criminologists
  • Kenya Red Cross Society

Work Experience

Date from to
Institution, Location (City, Country)
Person Responsible To

Selected Publications 2015-2018: Books and Book Chapters

  • Wang’ombe O S (2019) Influence of Socio Demographic Characteristics on Juvenile Recidivism. International Journal of Recent Engineering and Development; Volume 04, Issue No. 6, June 2019.
  • Wang’ombe O S (2019). Relationship between Nature of Initial Offences Committed by Juveniles on their Reoffending: A Case Study of Kiambu and Kirinyaga Counties, Kenya. International Journal of Recent Engineering and Development; Volume 04, Issue No. 6, June 2019.
  • Wang’ombe O S. (2019). Influence of Correctional Facility Environment on Juvenile Recidivism. . International Journal of Recent Engineering and Development; Volume 04, Issue No. 6, June 2019.
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