

Michuano Ya Amwanzo Yafunguliwa Rasmi

Mkuu wa idara ya michezo bwana Amwanzo amefungua rasmi michuano ya kombe la Amwanzo. Michuano hii iliyoasisiwa na kufadhiliwa na idara ya michezo,ina nia ya


SOKU 2018 Leadership Induction Training

Kibabii University Student Affairs department organized a one week SOKU Leadership Induction training aimed at empowering the newly elected student leaders with the necessary skills


KIBU Campus King and Queen

Kibabii University students were on Saturday 1st December, 2018 treated to a spectacular red carpet event by the Oraans modelling agency. The event which took


Turnitin Plagiarism Checker Training

The library in collaboration with School of Graduate Studies has scheduled for plagiarism checker training on December 6th, 2018 at Senate Board Room starting at