Kibabii University was the proud host of the 34th World Aids Day. The weeklong celebrations were climaxed graced by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Health Susan Nakhumicha Wafula on Thursday 1 December, 2022 at the University Sports Complex. She was received by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Isaac Ipara Odeo and the Chairman of the University Council Dr. Ernest Mwangi Njoroge.
In her address, the CS challenged the congregants to observe the global World AIDS day theme for 2022; EQUALISE, a call to End Inequalities that impact access to HIV treatment and prevention services. In Kenya, this is a call to address new HIV infections and invest in commodity security that will End AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.
“The high cases of infections can be attributed to poverty and communal attitudes. We must use all unite to end the triple threat of new HIV infections, Gender Based Violence and early pregnancies. A new HIV infection affects each and everyone in the community and its therefore the duty of all of us,” she said.

The event was also attended by the Governor of Bungoma County Hon. Kenneth Lusaka. The Governor lauded the University for hosting the event, the first of its kind in Bungoma County and observed that indeed the organizers achieved the status of a national event.
He committed to instigate measures to lower cases of new infections in the County, challenging the residents to seek to know their HIV status in order to support government machineries in fighting the pandemic. He implored on partners to seek multisectoral approaches in funding the critical area of health.
The event was attended by over 3,000 people, majority being the youth and vulnerable groups from all over the country.