Kibabii University Council and Management at Kenya School of Government - Kibabii University

Kibabii University

Kibabii University Council and Management at Kenya School of Government

Kibabii University Council and Management at Kenya School of GovernmentManagers have, since time immemorial, been regarded as an honored set of individuals who provide leadership, vision, direction and indeed crystalize the collective aspirations of organizations. It is against this backdrop that the University organized a three day Corporate Governance course for University Council and Management at Kenya School of Government (KSG), Nairobi which was successfully held from 24th – 26th February, 2020.

The Chairman of Council, in his opening remarks noted that top organizations have common characteristics which include strong leadership and efficient governance processes. Guided by vision, philosophy, mission, values; leadership and governance is reflected through the ability of leaders to understand risks and adapt to opportunities and changes.

In his closing remarks, the Director General, Dr. Chweya lauded Kibabii University for the initiative to train their members of Council and Management. He noted that while learning is a continuous process, excellence is a shifting goal. That KSG seeks to strengthen and instil confidence to professionals to deal with challenges of duty. “It is not possible to be a senior and capable of making mistakes, decisions and actions you take must be the right ones under that circumstance” said Dr. Chweya. He futher noted that decisions made by any leader should reflect decency.

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