DVC Prof. Henry Kiriamiti hands over, headed for other roles at Moi University - Kibabii University

Kibabii University

DVC Prof. Henry Kiriamiti hands over, headed for other roles at Moi University

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs) Prof. Henry Kirimi Kiriamiti has today handed over to Prof. Julius Maiyo who comes in on acting capacity. Prof. Maiyo is the current Dean of the School of Education.

The Ceremony was presided over by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Isaac Ipara Odeo.

Prof. Kirimiti joined KIBU on August 2022. It has been a rigorous tenure which has seen tremendous transformations in the Division of Academics and Student Affairs.

As he exits, we wish him all the best in his returns to Moi University to take over duties as DVC (Administration, Planning and Strategy).

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