The Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology programme of Kibabii University proved magnificent; it was development oriented, demanding and rewarding, with a collegial atmosphere in instruction and supervision of doctoral students. The programme is perfectly tailored with a wide range of pliability to accommodate all sorts of students with different cadre of experiences both from industry and academia by organizing research trainings, seminars, workshops, and continual oral defense. The programmes’ core courses guarantee a strong footing by coupling the course work, research methodology, with the students’ independent research domain from the onset. The distinctive nature of highly qualified, committed, responsive, and dedicated faculty scholars from various disciplines both internally and externally were a great asset. Subsequently, I greatly enriched my research capabilities through cohort colleagues in the programme. I graduated on 22nd November 2019, well equipped with all of the knowledge, skills, and educational experience necessary to pursue a successful career. I will always be thankful for the wonderful experience I gained throughout my PhD journey at Kibabii University.