Kibabii University

Dr. Kapchanga Martin

Dr. Kapchanga Martin

My dream for doctorate studies started way back before attaining my first degree. There always boiled in me the urge to take this challenge at some point along my life.

In 2016, my request to join Kibabii University was granted. But as fate would dictate, I got involved in a deadly road accident that saw me bedridden for close to three years. Fast forward, I got out in 2019 and never saw any hope ahead in as far as my initial dream was concerned. I however attended lectures to see if I would catch up.

One of the strongest attributes of the lecturers at Kibabii University was that they always shouldered with joy the burden of encouraging students along their studies, aware how draining the rigorous doctorate curriculum is. The dean and supervisors kept me on toes with calls in case they felt my pace was not as expected. Sometimes I would feel the pain of being pressured, yet this was nothing compared to the ultimate joy of study completion.

In keeping pace with the internationally approved standards,Kibabii University is rich in infrastructure and provides to students the ample environment required for quality studies that is largely research based. This in itself makes me stand strong and boldly aware that the independent thinking inculcated in me by the institution is one that can stand tests of global dynamics.

True, Kibabii University gave me a rare opportunity to tap from the doctors and professors who were an embodiment of knowledge. Examination administration and timely availing of results is an efficiency I first experienced here. Though fairly shocking, this was indeed in tandem with the university core values that include excellence, accountability, and social responsibility.

This is a university I always will encourage others keen on quality and efficiency to join. Completing studies within the stipulated time is the desire of every student. It happens here.

I reminisce about my four years here with loads of fondness.


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