Kibabii University

CPA Judith Shibu

CPA Judith Shibu

My life as a student/ and staff of Kibabii University was an experience of its kind. As we come to the close of the year, I want to say I am the most excited and elated student/staff upon graduating with an MBA in Accounting. I can only summarize this by thanking God for crowning my year.

I was attracted to Kibabii University on my way to Chwele and I was perplexed by the beautiful scenery, the high-rise buildings and the proximity to the main highway. All these aspects made me interested in working and studying at Kibabii University. My journey to fulfilling my dream started by making an application for a job vacancy to further my education in MBA (Accounting option). After several applications, I was blessed and finally landed a job, as a senior assistant internal auditor 1, in the audit department.

I registered for an MBA (Accounting option) in the year 2015/16. At least I felt very satisfied and contented, that my dream had come to pass. No sooner had I settled for course work, than I was involved in a fatal car accident, which almost took my life. That put a lot of strain on me, both emotionally and financially, which almost made me forfeit the dream of furthering my education. The court cases almost crippled me financially, but God saw me through all that for the better part of my study time. Eventually, I completed my course work and I knew very soon I would be graduating with my MBA, but little did I know what awaited me.

I started my research by submitting my concept paper, followed by a proposal, but getting a topic, especially in the area of accounting, was a real challenge. I had to change topics often until I landed a suitable one that satisfied my supervisors and myself.

Being a pastor, leader, mother, wife, and professional wasn’t easy to juggle. But I thank God that he gave me the strength and wisdom to go through it all. There have been times, I felt like giving up, but my supervisors kept on calling to encourage me.

As I look back, I say thanks to my supervisors and lecturers who kept on pushing and reminding me to carry on. At first, I wondered why I started this in the first place, but every time I started something; my motto was I had to complete it however long it takes.

As I have graduated; it has brought a new lease of life. Sometimes we feel like giving up at the last moment but when we’re just about to give up, that is the time your breakthrough is at the corner. I encourage scholars that the worst thing they can do is to barge out. As long as they are fixing their eyes on the price, they will always reach the finishing line.

As the saying goes, winners never quit. One thing about Kibabii, is the comprehensive student welfare, their willingness to give direction and overall concern about each student.

This has been the main motivating factor for me. My special thanks goes to our dean SGS school of graduate studies, who encouraged us even through virtual training and workshops about presentations and thesis until we felt motivated. Thanks to my two supervisors who worked closely to ensure I was moving forward, Professor Munir Manini and Dr. Rashid Fwamba.

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