Duties and Responsibilities

Reporting to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation), the Registrar shall on the overall be responsible for the supervision and management of all administrative and operational functions of the Office of the Registrar (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovations:

The Registrar shall:

  1. Provide leadership in pursuit of the Mission and Vision as outlined in the University Strategic Plan;
  2. Initiate, coordinate, implement, monitor and evaluate University Strategic Plan;
  3. Initiate, coordinate and implement the Divisional plans;
  4. Co-ordinate of research, extension and outreach programs and ensure skills and technology transfer to industry and society;
  5. Mobilize financial support for extension programs and activities;
  6. Promote and co-ordination of publications and extension services;
  7. Promote management and collaboration in extension linkages, programs and activities;
  8. Carry out other planning, research and extension functions that may contribute to the welfare of the institution; and
  9. Be a member of Senate and University Management Board

Requirements for Appointment

The Registrar Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation shall have a Ph.D and in addition should be at least an Associate Professor;


Shall have a Ph.D and must have served as a Deputy Registrar Planning and Research Scale 14 or its equivalent for at least three (3) years.

Terms of Service

Shall hold office on a contract period of five (5) years but may be eligible for reappointment for a further one term in accordance with terms and conditions of service as approved by the Council from time to time.

How to apply:

Each application shall be accompanied by detailed Curriculum Vitae, Copies of Relevant Academic and Professional Certificates, National Identity Card or Passport, Testimonials, and other relevant supporting documents. Scanned copies of these documents must be attached to the email application.

For positions of Registrars, Finance Officer, Dean of Students, University Librarian, applicants must also submit the following:

  1. Clearance from Kenya Revenue Authority
  2. Clearance from Higher Education Loans Board
  3. Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
  4. Clearance from Credit Reference Bureau
  5. Criminal Investigation Department- (Certificate of Good Conduct)
  6. Letters of recommendation from at least three persons familiar with the applicant’s professional experience and character in general should also be sent to the address below before Tuesday, 31th October, 2017 .

All applications should clearly be marked with the Reference Number of the Advertised position “Application for the position of (position applied for)”and submitted as follows:

  1. Ten (10) hard copies
  2. An electronic copy in PDF format by email be sent to the following email: appointments@kibu.ac.ke

Applications must be submitted on or before Tuesday, 31th October, 2017 . Applications should be addressed as registered mail to:

The Vice Chancellor,
Kibabii University,
P.O. BOX 1699 – 50200


Addressed to
The Vice Chancellor
Kibabii University,
and Dropped at
Kibabii University-Main Campus,
Administration Block, Third Floor, Room ABA 308,

Note: Kibabii University is an equal opportunity employer. Women, marginalized and persons living with disability are encouraged to apply.