In a joyous celebration marking the culmination of their four-year journey, Kibabii University Finalists hosted the Vice Chancellor Prof. Isaac Ipara Odeo, the University top management, faculty and staff to a farewell party. The event held in the afternoon of Wednesday 19th July, 2023 was an opportunity to reflect on their time at the university as they prepare for the ever-changing career landscape that awaits them.
Under the theme of “Facing the Future of Rapid Changes in an Ever-Changing Career World,” the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation. The event took place in the university’s main auditorium, adorned with vibrant decorations and a stage that featured an intricately designed cake symbolizing the students’ remarkable journey.
Student representatives took turns sharing personal anecdotes and stories of how the Vice Chancellor’s mentorship had positively influenced their academic and personal growth. They praised his leadership style, describing him as approachable, empathetic, and dedicated to their overall development. They particularly expressed their gratitude for his unwavering support and guidance throughout their academic pursuits.
During his address, the Vice Chancellor emphasized the importance of embracing information technology in order to thrive in the ever-evolving career landscape. He highlighted the rapid changes occurring in various industries and encouraged the students to adapt to new technologies and tools that would undoubtedly shape their professional journeys.
The highlight of the celebration came when the Vice Chancellor, accompanied by the class representatives, ceremoniously cut the cake. The symbolic act signified not only the conclusion of their four years on campus but also the beginning of an exciting new chapter in their lives. The students will be conferred in the 8th Graduation Ceremony to be held in December 2023.