Kibabii University, being a study place presents a scenario of competing tasks (academic and social) for students. Being young and energetic, students are naturally impatient, have sexual and reproductive health concerns, they need quick and fast services. To try and meet these needs the University AIDS Control Unit (ACU) located within the Academic Block (ABB 010), provides a sort of one-stop shop service provision center, which acts as a drop-in-center for students to and from lecture halls. Here, students can freely access information and counseling services by the HIV and AIDS Peer Educators and one specific HIV/ AIDS Counselor.


To create an AIDS-free Kibabii University community of well informed and educated people with a clear view of the realities and impacts of HIV and AIDS.


To apply and promote a multi-disciplinary and multi-sector approach in dealing with a wide spectrum of HIV / AIDS-related issues by effectively developing and facilitating the correct responses for successful fight against HIV / AIDS within and around Kibabii University.


  1. Promotion of VCT and treatment services for HIV and AIDS
  2. Promotion of HIV and AIDS prevention education
  3. To enhance HIV and AIDS Research
  4. Strengthening coordination of HIV Activities


To achieve these objectives the AIDS Control Unit has three broad program activities.

  1. Prevention and Advocacy
  2. Education and awareness activities to ensure in-depth information to both students, staff, their spouses, and their families on HIV/AIDS, STI’s and related topics.
  3. Easily available and accessible male and female condoms to all students, staff their spouses and other family members.
  4. Recruitment and training of staff, student HIV and AIDS peer educators (for information dissemination and sustainability).
  5. Establishing pre- and post- test support groups (both within Kibabii University and in the external community) to effectively deal with issues of stigma and discrimination.
  6. Provision of information on safe sex practices to staff and students