The University now boasts of Fifteen (15) on-going donor funded research and innovation projects.
Message from Director, Research and Innovation
In Research and Innovation, we endeavour to achieve our goal through promotion of the University mandate as a primary source of research, innovation and enterprise development through strategic collaborative research. Upon being chartered in 2015, the University embarked on a transformative journey to establish itself as a Centre of Excellence in Teaching, Training, Research and Innovation and to see it play in the league of Premier Universities locally, regionally and indeed globally. Kibabii University received a ‘Clean Bill of Health’ in Research Infrastructure. Kibabii University was identified by the Ministry of Education through a collaboration between the Directorate of Research, Science and Technology (DRST) and the National Research Fund (NRF) in the State Department of University Education and Research to participate in the National Research Infrastructure (NRI) assessment. The- purpose of the exercise was to assess status of Research Infrastructure in Kenya for evidence-based decision making and policy formulation. The assessment team led by Dr. Sawanga N. Ndakala from DRST visited the University on Friday 28th February 2020. The University was applauded for having invested heavily in ICT infrastructure that is now attracting students from the region, and for subscribing to critical teaching and research data bases for staff and students.
The University now boasts of Fifteen (15) on-going donor funded research and innovation projects. In addition, the University hosts four (4) regional (InterUniversity Council of East Africa) Masters Scholarship Programmes in the School of Business and Economics as well as School of Computers and Informatics won through competitive calls; the University also won two (2) Centres of Excellence (ICT and Engineering, and Trade and Industrialization) for the Lake Region Economic Bloc (L-REB). Recently, the University won a Twenty-One Million Kenya Shillings IDCR-CRDI Project on – “Strengthening In -Service Teacher Mentorship and Support through School Based In-service Teacher Training in Tanzania, Kenya and Zambia (SITT Model) Project” led by Prof. Maiyo Kiprop Julius, Dean School of Education; a Five Hundred and Sixty Five Thousand Shillings SUN24 Mini-Grant on – “Assessment of Small-Scale Biochar Field Trials for Soil Amendments and its observed
Influence on Maize Production in Different Soil Types of Bungoma County, Kenya led by Dr. John Makhoha,a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Science,Technology and Engineering ; and a Sixty-Nine Million Kenya Shillings NRF Research Grant on – “Upscaling Bio-Vector Technology as a Novel Tool for Transforming Science into Economic Gain” led by Prof. Mary Gikungu from our Partner – National Museum of Kenya/Dr. Paul Obino, a Senior Lecturer and Director of Partnerships and Linkages, Kibabii University. In our continued effort to provide fora for academicians, researchers, students and other stakeholders to disseminate knowledge and innovations, the University continuously organizes International Research Conferences with the 6th scheduled for June 2023 whose theme is: “Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) to Mitigate Global Challenges for Sustainable Development”.
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