
The institute considers equality as a development goal rather than focus on either gender as a target..

Message from Director, Institute Of Gender and Development Studies

Dr. Risper Namasaka Wepukhulu

Dr. Rispah Wepukhulu

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Globally gender issues are critical for social, political and economic development. Most governments have embraced a gendered approach to development and institutions like Kibabii University are in the forefront in advancing this noble course. The Institute of Gender and Development Studies was established in 2017 as an upgrade from the former Gender Mainstreaming Committee of Kibabii University.

The institute considers equality as a development goal rather than focus on either gender as a target. Achievement of this goal requires the university to examine all its policies, programmes and projects and their impacts on either gender with a view of achieving a gender balanced work environment.

The institute’s vision
Nurture a Gender Responsive University.

The Institute’s mission
Embracing Gender Responsive approaches in generation, preservation and dissemination of knowledge.

To achieve its mandate, the Institute has embarked on: Resource mobilization to support gender programmes; Lobbying and advocacy for appropriate policies and laws within the university and beyond; Forging linkages and partnerships with likeminded Organizations/government agencies among others; Developing and implementing relevant curricula on gender; Conducting periodic workshops, seminars among other fora on gender and development issues; and Conducting research and dissemination of information on gender and development. The institute therefore, calls upon people with this orientation to come on board to support this noble journey.